perjantai 7. marraskuuta 2008


Pronssisoturi-kirjaani liittyen olen saanut mm. seuraavanlaista palautetta: 

Здравствуй, Йохан! Это xxx, профессор из Самары. Мы встречались с тобой xxx на конференциях. Вчера видел сюжет о тебе и твоей антифашисткой книге о бронзовом солдате из Эстониии. Ты молодец, так как сделал великое дело:  нанес удар по всем подонкам-фащшистам. Я горжусь, что знаком с тобой и расскажу всем о тебе! Ты просто смелый человек и прекрасный ученый. Не бойся угроз. Бог тебя хранит! 

(Suomennos: Päivää, Johan! Olen xxx, professori Samarasta. Me tapasimme xxx konferenssissa. Näin televisiossa eilen reportaasin sinusta sekä Viron Pronssisoturia käsittelevästä antifasistisesta kirjastasi. Hyvin tehty, olet tehnyt suurtyön: annoit iskun kaikille pohjasakkafasisteille. Olen ylpeä että tunnen sinut ja kerron kaikille sinusta! Olet rohkea ihminen ja erinomainen tutkija. Älä pelkää uhkauksia. Jumala suojelee sinua!)

Dear Mr. Bäckman,
Thank you for your honest position concerning the problem of Russians in Batija! God saves you!
xxx/ Tallinn

Hello Johan,
First of all I would like to thank you for what you are doing. I'm not sure it will calm down Estonian arrogance based on their fairy tales, but still it is very positive that someone is able to tell them frankly about what is actually going on in our country - Estonia. You are one of a few who dares.
It would be very interesting for me and many others to read your book. As far as I know you have plans to translate it into English and Russian. Could you please say when approximately it will be published in these languages?
Kind Regards,

I live in Helsinki, but dont speak finnish yet so cant read your book.
But I read articles and your answer to a letter of estonian man.
I just want to say thank U for being brave and being able to see and say truth!
I appreciate what U do!
Me and my friends are with U,

Mr. Backman, you are the Man!
Thank you for supporting common sense in Estonia. It's a bit easier to live in this "madhouse" knowing that someone else out there knows the truth, cares and isn't afraid to speak frankly.
Wish you all the best.

Tilaa Pronssisoturi-kirja erikoishintaan 20e (sis. pk) osoitteesta!

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